Nadchodzi nowy projekt Zima Stulecia. Jest to duet Marek Pędziwiatr i Marcin Rak, znani z projektów EABS i Błoto.
Muzyka Zimy Stulecia jest trudna do zaszufladkowania, kierując się gdzie w stronę melancholijnej muzyki elektronicznej. Dla jednych będzie to techno, inni usłyszą elementy house'u, a wszystko to przy akompaniamencie improwizowanej muzyki syntezatorowej i perkusyjnej
What would have happened if Michael Dudikoff had gone missing in action, say – in Poland in 1987 – during the harshest freezing spell of the century? Would he have coped under these conditions like John Rambo has in the town of Hope? We shall never find out, but the soundtrack is already there. Latarnik and Rak G (members of EABS and Błoto) would call this film Zima Stulecia: Minus 30°C.
When Twin Peaks debuted on Polish National Television with its oneiric music by Angelo Badalamenti, Poland could feel as eerie as the series. Seemingly nothing quite matched, but on the other hand, no one was surprised. Growing up in the 1990s inevitably brings back memories of stalls selling a variety of products. You could buy there cleaning products from Germany, some underwear, Haribo jellies and Jacobs coffee, and have access to the "latest" cultural releases, which would be arriving late in Poland. This is where one could obtain pirated copies of cassette tapes and VHS, the labels of which had typewritten film titles that transported kids' fantasies to another world. With such content distribution, many of these kids got their first glimpse of Predator, Terminator, Robocop, as well as Van Damme's stunts in Bloodsport and a plethora of other B action movies, which to this day - like American Ninja - are rerun on TV over and over again. The afterimages of these soundtracks nestled in the heads of Marcin Rak and Marek Pędziwiatr for years and found expression on their debut album.
The music of Zima Stulecia is difficult to label in ter....... więcej