One doesn't have to introduce either the el-hero Wladyslaw Komendarek or the "label"-artist Przemyslaw Rudz to the fans of sophisticated electronic music. This time we can admire a conjoint of both musicians. Already the title of the work itself announces something very special indeed - well, let's see, what unexplored secrets does the REM phase of sleep hide...
The first track is built in a warm, folded style, which reminds me of Tangerine Dream's Flashpoint; one can really enjoy the majestic piano chords and a typically Froesean guitar in the second part of this piece. In our dream we become watchers of scattered bluesand castles, which disappear slowly and turn ivylike into a concrete wave shimmering with darkened colours.
Our second dream consists of dismantled waiting for crispy snow, while we are hiding in the shade of a huge metal ice-core-container. The ground is too slippery, we shouldn't take a walk, let's wait for the weather to make its mind - but what is happening on the other side? The whole plain is being searched through by some faint limelights of rusty cranes, which stroll about like hunchbacked mechanical giraffes. The music could be defined as explicit electronic rock, but the first minutes of this track sound as if they were taken from some dusty electronic trail recorded by Alex Smoke or Peter Benisch.
In the third track we will get to know, whether nightshift bulldozers can play the drums; behind their backs we can see the wonders of photosynthesis happening here and now. Komendarek and Rudz drift towards daring experimental electro-jazz - they let some new sunlight through the windows of Vangelis' Albedo 0.39 in. The fourth dream means slowing down and falling into deep fog. We must hurry up and buy a package of ambient staples before the sequential spiral comes out of its hiding place, somewhere between the solarized beach and abandoned lairs of sea-snakes. The Listener gets lost in the labyrinth of notions,....... more
Zarówno el-weterana Władysława Komendarka, jak i "etatowego" artysty Przemysława Rudzia nie trzeba chyba miłośnikom ambitnej elektroniki przedstawiać. Tym razem możemy podziwiać płytę stworzoną wspólnie przez obu twórców. Już sam tytuł zwiastuje wielowątkową, wielowymiarową ucztę dla melomana przekonajmy się, jakie tajemnice skrywa faza REM snu... To bezkompromisowa i bezprecedensowa odyseja prowokująca najwymyślniejsze skojarzenia. Muzykę z "Unexplored Secrets" można by chcieć pospiesznie zaszufladkować jako "ambitny elektroniczny rock", ale nie brakuje tutaj też ani eksperymentalnego el-jazzu w duchu wczesnego Vangelisa, ani asocjacji z najbardziej awangardowymi pomysłami artystów takich jak Alex Smoke albo Peter Benisch.