A few simple words:
Mirek Gil - guitars
Tomek Rozcki - vocals and guitars
Adam Milosz - keyboards and hidden harmonies
Przemas Zawadzki - bass guitar
Vlodi Tafel - drums
Satomi - violin, hopefully with a continuation.
Robert Sieradzki - all lyrics and a few words out loud
How does it work? Mirek, Tomek, Przemas... for them music is passion and joy of creation. Adam, Satomi and Tafel... education, notes, classical music and an ability to lose oneself in Believe.
Seems strange, but they understood each other so well. Nobody defined the overruling style and concept. They all did what felt right and then voila! Hope to see another day. Let's hope it keeps on going.
And let's not try to classify where are the roots of such playing. Who needs that ?
Music is not a running track. There is no race going on and it's fine the way it is. Like it or not. Believe connected a few musical worlds... let the result remain a pleasure for everyone who decides to listen to these songs a couple of times.
Hope to see another day - first Believe record is a set of eight stories. A little scary, a little sad and uncanny. Robert who wrote all the lyrics added another dimension to the music and... and do we need an and ?
On this record you will not find any virtuoso attitude. Instead you get a powerful sound full of faith and melody, with some hidden powers and various different flavours added - for these who listen to discover.
Name of the band, title of the record, lyrics and music are a whole that falls well into place within one's head - if one is willing to spare a moment. A little incredible taking into consideration this XXI century.
All together they have over two hundred years and some moments that left a mark on their souls... you can hear it.
Info wydawcy:
Grupa Believe została założona przez byłych muzyków COLLAGE, m.in. gitarzystę Mirka Gil'a i wokalistę Tomka Różyckiego. Więcej o historii i grupie znajdziecie na www.believe.com.pl . NATOMIAST PIERWSZY ALBUM TO PRAWDZIWA PEREŁKA ROCKA PROGRESYWNEGO. ZNAKOMITE MELODIE, "FLOYDOWSKA - GILMOUROWSKA" GITARA MIRKA, MOCNY WOKAL TOMKA I ŚWIETNA SEKCJA POWODUJE, ŻE TO JEDEN Z NAJLEPSZYCH ALBUMÓW ROCKOWYCH NIE TYLKO W POLSCE, ALE TAKŻE W EUROPIE - ZA SPRAWĄ SZWAJCARSKIEJ WYTWÓRNI GALILEO. CD wychodzi poza ramy stylistyki prog-rocka, i wielbiciele zarówno COLLAGE, PINK FLOYD czy "naszego" mocnejszego RIVERSIDE muszą tą płytę mieć w kolekcji.
Mirek Gil - gitary
Tomek Różycki - śpiewanie i gitary
Adam Miłosz - klawisze i ukryte harmonie
Przemas Zawadzki - basowa gitara
Vlodi Tafel - bębny
Satomi - skrzypce (miejmy nadzieję, że nie tylko na tej płycie).
Robert Sieradzki - słów wypowiedzianych kilka i teksty